
On Redemption's Road

We are now heading to the NIH though it's by bike and we've been riding for the last couple days taking our time, not killing ourselves as we don't want to get exhausted. This trek is about endurance and not speed. After trying nearly ten cars of different kinds, it would seem that my suspicion about the EMP weapon may be true after all. Nothing electrical or electronic seems to work, like it's all fried. It would appear that on bike we are able to travel about 12-13 miles per day. The NIH from us is about 60 so we have a couple more days ride. My wife tells me she doesn't remember much during her time of being infected. All she knows is she blacked out and woke up a time later, not sure if it was days, weeks or even months. I tell her she has no idea how lucky she is. I've never seen anyone I've encountered yet come back from this infection. She has no idea how rare she is. I did tell her I've run into a few camps of survivors that just were never infected like me.
One thing that occurred to both of us is although she is immune I am not so she may be a carrier of the infection. We agree not to be affectionate except for hugs. There is still so much we don't know or understand about this human rabies. We don't know all the ways it can be transmitted and we certainly don't understand why she was immune when no one else was. Hopefully the NIH can figure this whole thing out and if all goes well, my wife won't wind up being a carrier. Still, we must take all necessary precautions to avoid getting me infected. I'll write more once we get settled in at the National Institute of Health.

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