
Jailhouse Blues

I awaken this morning to the sound of something strange and unsettling. I hear a kind of banging sound coming from the floors below me. I quickly grab my protective gear, flashlight, and handheld weapons and proceed to investigate. It dawns on me that I secured the one floor below me where the generator and propane heaters are but I realize that the lower levels where the jail cells are has gone unchecked. I begin by examining the first floor of the station and find that it is clear, so far so good. I then go to the first lower level and find that is also clear. Still two more levels to this police station's jail apparently.
I begin to get an unsettling feeling that the lowest levels may hold some challenges and maybe some hope that there are survivors down below. I proceed to the stairwell and begin my very slow but steady descent into the bowels of the structure; these blind corners as the stairwell walls are cinder blocks which makes it impossible to see around. Also, my steps are making a little noise but I don't dare go barefoot. Also, because the infected are attracted by light and sound, I leave the guns upstairs. I stop as I hear a sniffing noise along with staggered footsteps. I press my body tightly against the inside wall of the stairs and wait; I swear I can hear my heartbeat.
The footsteps are getting closer so I brace myself. If it's a survivor, I would expect cautious steps but I wouldn't expect a sniffing noise. I don't believe that our sense of smell is that developed; maybe the infected end up with heightened senses. I can hear the breathing now, right around the corner, here it comes, I raise my knife and it appears from the darkness, a beautiful German shepherd. The dog seems to be friendly, too. I wasn't expecting to find this dog because I thought I had swept the place; at least now I finally have some form of companionship. I look at its collar and the dog's name is Max. I know police dogs are immensely loyal and I've always loved the breed so it’s a definite win-win. I offer Max some beef jerky which he seems very happy to have; I'm sure this poor boy must be starving. I whisper to him we will find his regular food soon and he wags his tail. I think Max actually kind of understands me.
I begin to move toward the lower levels again and the dog follows me but seems distressed, like it knows something bad is down there. I take the hint from the dog and become more alert of my surroundings. We slowly creep down the stairs taking the corners very slowly, carefully peeking. We arrive at the bottom level which has a fire door with a small window. The main problem with this little window is it is very dirty on the other side of the door. I now realize it isn't dirt, it's a blood splash that hit the window. Max begins to whimper a little, almost like he's warning me that there are infected on the other side of that door. The one good thing about this door is the locking system locks from my side. I put my ear to the door and I hear the moans, heavy breathing, nonsense chatter and such that is the hallmark of the infected.
I decide to return to the upper levels of the station to find some food for Max. I figure that they aren't going anywhere so it’s nothing to worry about, for now anyway. It may sound bad of me but since there isn't a cure for this thing at this point, what could I do for them other than put them out of their misery? Besides, they essentially are alive since I can hear them breathing. Until I actually can safely capture one of them, I can't determine if there is a heartbeat. Have to burn that bridge when I come to it. I still won't take the aggressor stance because I can tell they will attack if they see or hear me. My worry though is if Max encounters one of them, will he bark? If he does, I fear that may attract more of them. Again, another one of those I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it situations.

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